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Punchdrunk confirm final Divine Rites party before The Burnt City closure

The immersive theatre company Punchdrunk have today confirmed the date of their final 'party' event prior to the closure of The Burnt City in Woolwich on the 24th September 2023. The Last Rite, the last 'Divine Rites' party will act as a final send-off to the groundbreaking immersive production. Taking place on Sunday 17th September, The Last Rite has been billed as including pop-up performances by the cast and extended performing family, guest DJs, and a return of The Walk of Terror - the house band from Punchdrunk's 2013 show The Drowned Man, who will be performing in Peep, the speakeasy bar within the set of The Burnt City.

Punchdrunk released the following confirming The Last Rite...

"All good things must come to a glorious end. But with all endings come new beginnings. Join us for one night only as we party into eternity as the city burns around us. Dance amongst the shades and celebrate all that was and all that will be with pop-up performances, DJs, bars and debauchery. Send The Burnt City once more into oblivion and set your souls on fire. See you at the end of the world.

Opening in March 2022, the production has sold over 200,000 tickets. By the time it closes, the show will be the longest-running mask show that the company has presented in London. Over 600 people have worked on the show, making it the largest project in Punchdrunk’s history. The epic retelling of the end of the Trojan War, set between the neon-drenched backstreets of downtown Troy and the menacing but opulent shadow of Greece, is played out across two vast warehouse buildings. Part of the old Woolwich Arsenal, these buildings provide Punchdrunk with its first permanent home in London.

Punchdrunk is keen to keep pushing the boundaries of the company’s craft and make use of the unique space the buildings provide in different ways. News of future projects will follow later this year."

Tickets are available via


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